Jun 17, 2024"AI for all" is a matter of socialjustice. AIandEthics, 3(3), 1143-1152. ... Socialjustice,rationalism,AIethics,andlibertarianism. Digifesto. Retrieved from https: ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a radically transformative technology (or system of technologies) that created new existential possibilities and new standards of well-being in human societies. In this article, I argue that to properly understand the increasingly important role AI plays in our society, we must consider its impacts on socialjustice. For this reason, I propose to conceptualize ...
Aug 1, 2023Therefore, the socialjustice implications of AI are an important and pressing issue that must be addressed to ensure that this technology's benefits are shared fairly and equitably across society. By recognizing the potential for bias and discrimination in AI systems and by taking steps to address these issues, we can help to create a more ...
Jun 19, 2024The Debate Between AI Utilitarianism and Libertarianism. The debate between AI utilitarianism and libertarianism revolves around the ethical principles guiding the development and use of ...
Oct 30, 2024Contemporary scholars have separated artificial intelligence (AI) from utilitarianism, which represents instrumental rationality, and have shifted toward the Responsibility and Virtue Ethics of practical rationality. The Strong and Weak Accountability AI embodies abstract freedom and presupposes human nature; however, the collective policies formed by it often conflict with individuality ...
Before examining what specific theories of justice can teach us about the ethical pitfalls of specific AI systems, we must clarify how specialists (i.e. political theorists and philosophers) understand the concept of "justice" more generally—both the ideas about justice they generally agree on and some of the main disagreements dividing them.
An Opening for SocialJusticeLibertarianism. Libertarians have long been a critical voice in the debate over police misconduct and criminal justice more generally, but most have stopped short of embracing slogans like "Black Lives Matter" and other ideas around socialjustice. Many socialjustice skeptical libertarians seem to be acting on ...
Feb 21, 2024The aim of the study is a comprehensive view of the topic of social impacts of the use of artificial intelligence and provides a basis for further discussions and research in this important area.
Moral implications of the decision-making process based on algorithms require special attention within the field of machine ethics. Specifically, research focuses on clarifying why even if one ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can discriminate against protected classes — a fact that has sparked an extensive literature about bias in AI. Bias, as important as it is, is a special case of the overall problem of socialjustice. Beyond Bias focuses on the general problem.